Monday, June 28, 2010
6:23 PM
left with a broken heart.
cried so hard, scream out loud.
it doesn't make me feel any better.
the pain.. it's still there...
it hurt so much...
yes, my whole world is coming down..
Sunday, June 27, 2010
10:09 AM
school is starting tomorrow. homework not done. feel the stress coming up. tsk.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
6:58 PM
here to update about yesterday. woke up super early and head down to NUH. register, waited to report to sugery room. wth. the not-so-experience doctor couldn't find my vein, so she kept trying till the experienced dcotor come in. O.o so i got a total of 10 needle holes. -.- i still remember the last sentence i heard before 'sleeping' was the Dr saying this, "oh, she still got hold on to it."
LOL. after that, i'm knocked out. LOL after waking up, had difficulties in breathing. tsk. was discharged around 2plus. head back home after that. :) talked on the phone with Silly before sleeping. :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
7:17 PM
didn't want to update today. but seriously, i feel like killing someone! TSK! comeon! tame your bitchy girlfriend, buy a dog chain and chain her up! don't give her a chance to go around barking. nb. i believe in karma bitch! sooner or later, you'll go through the same time. asshole. i'm not going to you cause of those people. if you continue, i'll go to your boyfriend first. sucker.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
5:52 PM
went to catch Karate Kid yesterday with Silly, Jeff and Chaoxiang. before that, i planned to complete one history SEQ before going going out, but i ended up taking note of NBA finals' result. Lakers VS Celtics. woohoo! LAKERS WON! :) so, in the end, i didn't complete one SEQ, i only complete half. LOL. after movie, headed home after that :) i made cheese tart, but, it's a failure uh. the cheese didn't harden. D: nevermind, i'll do better next time. ended by day by chatting on the phone with LOVE till 1.
LOL. lunch at Sakura with relatives and family . brother book out le. lol. botak! LOL okay, my dad is damn childish lo. photos below with the number stand with clips and chopsticks are the doings of my dad. super childish! LOL
that's all ! :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
11:28 PM
surprised? i didn't baked the muffin.. haha! yes! my dear boy baked that for me yesterday! how nice of him. (: so, obviously, we are still together. so, don't bother guessing are we still together anot. stayed over at my aunt house yesterday cause went out shopping for Freya's toys at Causeway till 9plus. spent the night playing Itouch games with cousin before sleeping. LOL. meet up with D at 11plus, went JP with him. was angry with him lo! but things were fine after that. :) went back home bath and prepare while he went out with his friends. meet up with Jasmin at bukit batok MRT station and train-ed to Aunt's spec shop . headed back to JP after that. meet with up the others and had dinner at Pizza Hut. :) after dinner, walked around and headed home. :)
hoping we'll meet on thursday. *praying hard.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
5:47 PM
Saturday, June 12, 2010
11:35 PM
that moment, my heart sank...
Friday, June 11, 2010
7:13 PM
最后一天! it's finally the last day of school for Semester 1! my two weeks of holidays are finally here! :D gona, enjoy and study at the same time! :) i wanna watch karate kid!! 2.5hours! :) i want go shopping!! :) heehees. hmmm. Lot 1 for lunch with friends and headed home. that's all..
Thursday, June 10, 2010
8:51 PM
school from 8 to 12.45. Floorball from 1 to 4. dinner from 4.30 to 5. aunt house from 5plus to 6 plus. and back at home. that's all.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
6:43 PM
第三天.. 我过的很好,一点也不想你..一点也没有.. swollen eyes and a broken heart is all she got after crying so hard.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
2:57 PM
第二天。 谢谢你。 hate it when you doesnt reply. how will you feel if i do that to you?
Monday, June 7, 2010
3:30 PM
第一天。。。 the next time you see me, i'll no longer be the same.
just remembered something.
jasmin said 我越来越自bi。
have uh? she say i should go for class outing
on this coming thursday. then i ask why?
then she say because i'm getting more and more
zi bi..
is it true?
Sunday, June 6, 2010
7:12 PM
zoo with cousin and niece yesterday. our main aim is to meet Barney. weather was extremely hot though it was raining before that. waited and waited and finally! Barney appear! but, the Barney is so fake!!!! wth! seriously, it's damn fake! haha! but good thing is, we won a wooden pencil for Freya at the carnival. after that, took cab to CCK mrt station and mrt-ed to Orchard. haha! walked around and meet up with aunt, cousin and tuition teacher! my tuition teacher is my cousin's boyfriend. haha! imagine.. shipping with your tuition teacher. LOL!! walked around, main aim was to get a new pram for Freya, and educational toys. got her pram and clothing and cab back to aunt house cause aunt's legs are hurting.. so are mine! stayed at aunt house till around 9 and went back home. went back home with tuition teacher! LOL both of us are tired.. stayed at home the whole day today. school tomorrow. that's all. don't feel like blogging anymore.
you didn't know, your words, hurt me deeply.
Friday, June 4, 2010
9:33 PM
this is the cake i bought for baby!♥ |
3 more weeks till school reopens... first week of holiday is coming to an end!
second week of holiday aren't any better..
cause Darryl Chua signed up for an AEM course which
is at SP, from 8am to 5pm everyday!!!
except weekends. guess, won't get to meet him
till at least one week later! D:
while, the AEM course will benefit him though. :)
had been attending Maths lesson after school except
for yesterday. today is a day for me and him!
wee~ spent the whole afternoon with him! :D
but, for the following week, gona miss him like mad!!!
hmmm.. class outing next thursday.. not sure whether going
anot. cause they also never confirm watching
what movie.. maybe, i shouldnt go?
hmmm.. hmmm. but days without him...
it is because, you don't even thought of....?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
7:19 PM
Happy Birthday Darryl! :) You're 15!
okay, i woke up at 6.45am and i was late by abit. roars! gona wake up earlier tomorrow. nothing much though. went Mac for lunch with Adela, Soonkeat, Jiaen, Lifang and Jasmin. went back school after that for Maths lesson till 3.30. went bball court and meet up with baby. played bball!! me, Amos and Kenneth one team. Baby, Chainwooi and Jiayong one team. i scored 4!!! yay!! wahahaha!! and and, i own jiayong by luck!!!! :D :D :D went back home around 5. hmmm.. He is enjoying himself with his family at paragon eating sushi!! *jealous! haha!! hope he enjoy himself today!! :)