Monday, June 29, 2009
4:34 PM
FIRST DAY!okay.. surprisly, i manage to wake up at 6! xD i didn't fell asleep:Dhmmm.. had a talk with Jasmin during bio lesson. lols. this also meanswe didn't pay attention. xD okay, i feel like a Pri 1 kiddy today. lols.everyone is to sit in their own classes during recess. LOL!hmm.. nothing much though. xD went JP with Keat, Jasmine.N, Jia en,Adela and Nicholas.. lols. went Tori-Q for lunch and went to settle for ourbagde=) hopefully can collect on Wednesday..okay, i'm learning my second piece! More Than Words! i'll get my teacherto teach me Love Story and seriously, I NEED A ACOUSTIC GUITAR ASAP!T.Tit's either stay or leave. but why is it that sometimes, you're staying but sometimes, you're leaving? what should i do?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
6:00 PM
CHIEF OF THE DAY! :Dhmmm.. went Old Airport road for supper with relatives yesterdaynight. heehee. after that went ECP walk walk. hahas! was laughinglike hell lor. xD wa, reach home 1230am leh!! shower and went tosleep le. xDwoke up 11am and slacked through. lols. hoho, i'm the chief of the day!!! lols. and i didn't burn my house down hor. after that preparedessert. LOL. was cutting the peaches and i was damn afraid i mightcut myself!! xDhoho~! dinner was a success! :D i might be a great chief. okay, i'm justjoking. xD   
    do we look alike? xD
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
8:36 PM
LIBRARY! hmm.. woke up super early la. suppose planned to go NUHvist ah ma then go library de. but changed my mind. lols.Thursday then go together with sis. xD hmm. suppose meetingDave at Clementi. but changed to JP le. lols. suppose is meet 1, then chane to 1.30. lols.godly, no seats so we needed up sitting at a corner. lols. i teach himhow to do chinese okay. lols. damn funny. i kept going against him? xDhmmm.. went Cavana and eat and home-d. lols. okay, BIO SPA lessons are CANCELLED! Zzz.. no lessons during holidaysand this means that when school reopen, will have to chiong all the wayle. GODLY~ need to start sleeping early and waking up early le. tsk tsk.ahhhh... HOLIDAYS ARE SO WASTED!
Monday, June 22, 2009
5:21 PM
SWIMMING!:Dhmm.. sis woke me up and rushed me to go swimming together.lols. super tired sia. hahas.. woke up at 11plus, prepare and wentswimming! weeS~! hahas.. first time swim so many laps at one go.last time swim one lap, stop and chat for quite some time. but todayswim for 2 laps without stopping for a few times! hoho~! lols.talked about some stuff with sis and we went off at 1 cause dark cloudsat everywhere. lols. but after bathing, no more dark clouds!! roars~! cheatour feelings lor!! xD went to buy lunch and had lunch together at home:Dafter lunch, studied all the way till 5! hoho!! i redo the A maths MYE paper:Dlols. tomorrow must redo ALL maths MYE paper. then try to do my SS homework.tomorrow also need to complete the display board for chinese homework. Zzz.then redo all Science MYE paper. lols. ahh.. 1 more week of holidays!!!must chiong all the way!!SHIMIN, CHIONG ARH!! xD
Sunday, June 21, 2009
7:31 PM
"DON'T LOOK BACK IN ANGER"hoho~! only second lesson and i've learnt how to play the song statedon top:D happy man!! lols. heehees.. suppose planned to wake up at8 de. but too tired le, woke up at 8.20 instead. but i manage to reach 小姨's house at 10:D practise, practise till the teacher reach. lols.then lesson all the way till 1.. lols.after lesson. we went Westmall.. meet up with mummy, 大姨 and cousins:Dthey went to buy belated birthday present for 小姨 then decided to eat at PizzaHut. but, BB de Pizza Hut closed down le. Zzz. then wana eat at KFC, but supercold and no seats! then went Sakae. Zzz.after that, shopped again. and homed. lols. me, yan shan and wen ting wentcentral rent show:D then they went home first.. coming over later to showthe show together. heehees. but it's already like going to be 8, they're stillnot here!! lols. hmm.. swimming tomorrow with sis and yan shan.. i bet yan shanconfirm cannot wake up de lor.lols.last but not least..HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
9:21 PM
SILOSO BEACH! :Dhmmm.. went Siloso beach with Jieyi and her church friends.lols.. i don't know them except for jia wei? we went there tosupport Mao Shen for the Hot babe and hunk finals=)reached there quite early so we played UNO, poker andvolleyball. lols. left at around 5 and went home. but alight atboon lay. wanted to buy starbuck coffee but can't remembermy favourite drink de name. Zzz.. now i know le. tsk tsk.had dinner at Canvana with mum. dad came and we went Levis.they wanted to buy jeans.2 for 99.90 only. but mum looks fatin all kind of jeans. so i bought a black Straight one=)after that, walked around and homed=)godly. need to wake up super early tomorrow. guitar lesson at 11 but need reach xiao yi's house at around 10.lols. need to wake up at 8 le la.. tsk tsk. should go and getmy Starbuck coffee first:D傻瓜伦! dont fall sick le hors! xD
Friday, June 19, 2009
7:18 PM
DRAG ME TO HELL! *SCREAMS AND SHOUTS*slept like a pig sia! lols. woke up at 11.30. heehees..wash the clothes, bath and went out. lols. went Tiong Bahruand watch Drag Me To Hell.. hmm. was still early after gettingthe movie tickets. so we walked around first. hahas.ended up sitting outside toilet and chatted awhile. hahas!! xDokay, seriously, the movie is super duper scary!!! godly~!by the end of the show, the popcorn box went out of shape. xDlols. went BK after movie and 傻瓜伦 actually time how long i tookto finish everything lor.. lols.after that, we went home=) lols. talked about quite alot of stuff thoughand i kept laughing like siao.. hahas!!! xD 傻瓜伦! had a great day with you!:D
Thursday, June 18, 2009
8:16 PM
SHIMIN GOT GAMES IN HER PSP!:Doverslept by 15mins! lols. woke up at 9, wash up, bath,had my breakfast and went out=) hmmm.. daiheng textedme the moment i got on the bus. lols. i thought he's on hisway to simei le..but after that i sms him. he said he had been waiting eversince 9.40.GODLY!! he waited for 1hour sia!!! after thatwalked to his house. lols.. hmmm.. Portable was still downloading so we wait for it to be done.meanwhile, i played PSP while he played his PS3, thensuddenly, we exchanged. hahas!! i was playing Burnt Outthen he say next time cannot take my car. hahas!!!after that, we went down for lunch and played Metal Slug together.LOL! suddenly hang sia!! xD hmmm.. waited and waited..FINALLY! everything's done.. wahaha! then i went TM get my guitarpick:D 60cents only lor!! very de nice!! it's transparent purple~!love it! heehees..okay, i wasted 3 weeks of my june holidays and i swear starting next week, i'll study like a nerd!!! I MEAN IT!!godly, your actions messed up my thoughts! why did that even happened...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
8:17 PM
SHIMIN HAD BEEN READING TOO MUCH NEW MOON LE!!i dreamt of werewolf sia!! GODLY~! lols. ahh.. confirm is becausechiong too much le. xD hmmm. woke up 11plus again. lols. wantedto go swimming de. but like going to rain leh, so didn't go swimming.lols.slacked whole day again. Zzz.. so BORING!! went JP meet Sis and Shimin for dinner. had Subway for dinner then went Popular to buyA3 board. godly~! 1.60 sia!! waste my money!! lols.. after that wentGift A Name. sis super lame la..Sis: where we going now?Me: Gift A Name.Sis: aiya, i give you 2 name..LAME rite? lolsmummy also very lame lor. she call me..Mummy: 我会很迟到家,你要做全部的家务。Me: *screaming and shouting* 我不想听到那些~!!Mummy: 哈哈!我们讲完两分钟才hang,okay?Me: anything la.. *scream and shout*Mummy: 47,48,49,50.. okay, hang liao, bye!me: bye..LAME SIA! lols.boring say la.. Zzz... BUT I WILL HAVE GAMES IN MY PSP TOMORROW!:D
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
7:05 PM
JURONG WEST SWIMMING COMPLEX IS CLOSED ON TUESDAYS!i'll get that drilled into my big fat brain! roars~! i happily woke up at 1030, prepared to go siwmming.. but the complex was closed when i reached there!!!! 气死我了!but very qiao, Dodo texted me when i reached home. lols. hahas. but we only exchanged 2 messages? Zzz...
i didn't slacked through the whole of today!:D i complete my HMT homework le. wahaha~! just that haven't print out and haven't get a A3 size board. lols. will get it on thursday? lols. i shall complete my SS homework tomorrow~! lols.. going dhp's house on thursday to get my psp done:D and going to watch Drag Me To Hell on friday. hopefully will get to watch:D
Zzz.. having a headache now.. guess, i'm staring at the lappy for too long le.. had been chionging Meteor Garden 2 too. xD i'm off~
Monday, June 15, 2009
6:30 PM
i slacked through thwe whole of today!! lols. slept till11plus. xD then, bath, wash clothes and watch showon youtube all the way till 4plus? then play The Sims lor.Zzz.. boring day!!holidays can be even better man. but.. tsk tsk....movie tomorrow? i doubt so...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
10:16 PM
hoho~! back at jurong at last! lols.. went sis's house andstay yesterday. lols. hmmm.. brought my guitar all the wayto serangoon.. lols.. have breakfast with mummy, Chapmanand auntie Mary.. on the way back, mum bought sweets for chapman then i also took afew. xD mentos offer leh!! one for70cents, 3 for 1.20 only. lols. then i also bought 2 lollipop.why 2? cause i'm NICE~ cause i'm meeting daiheng ma.. then jiu xiang dao him, then jiubuy one more for him lor.. see, i'm NICE.. xD hmmm.. wanted togo crack my psp first. but was raining! so we decided to eat first.lols. roars~! wanted to go Cine eat de! but then we don't know howto walk to Cine so ended up in the don't know what food mall.lols.. i watched him eat lor. and i was holding on to his lollipop for him!lols. super funny la. lols. was crapping all along. then i told himabout OBS while he told me about his chalet stuff. hahas.after that, we went to crack le!! heehees.. i was worried that my psp cannot crack and i told him and he said don't worry, can de. lols.and wahaha! my psp is being cracked! heehees..hmmm.. after that,i asked him bring me to Peninsula. heehee.. and i agreed to buy himthe mrt card to go back Tampines.. lols.. see, i'm NICE~ xD oh ya, daiheng helped me carry my guitar wors!! and he say carrying the guitarreally suits him. lols. okay la, it does suit him. lols..cool! i've found the guitar i want.. i want the white one. but the white one isnot cut in de. so yea, maybe will get the black one.. the black one is cut in de.yea.. but i hope will be able to find a purple one:D after that, went Funan and walked about.. ended up eating at Mac.. cause i want the cup so i treathim MacSpicy=) lols. yea, we spend the time talking lor.. lols.. after that, i needto head down to batok lor. Zzz.. okay, i felt bad leaving him alone at cityhall.cause he's waiting for his parents to decide where to go but i'm already rushing for time. Zzz. so sorry! guitar lesson was.. PERFECT! love it man!oh ya, damn it! need to pay cristofori one month fee. kns! and i'm already super broke la!! nevermind, getting allowance soon.. lols. i will start saving up!!had been spending alot on food! starting tomorrow, no more eating!! lols.i mean, cut down on my diet!! roars~! after lesson, had dinner and took brother-in-law's car home:Dall right, my legs are hurting like hell! T.Thmm.. DHP, meet up soon again!:Dthanks for being there and i need to talk to someone!! yes, i'm talking to you!! you're seriously the best la!!=)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
6:23 PM
woke up 9.20.. prepare and went swimming with brother.lols.i forgot to bring my goggle!! then bro lend me his.wahaha!! swim awhile and started chatting with brother le. lols.. hmmm.. went off at around 12 andwent to have lunch!! wahaha!! after lunch, headedhome le. lols.i complete bio le! wahaha!! also chiong finish that stupidenglish homework. i think that homework is completenonsense! waste of time nia lor. kns, lols..now left with SS, history and HMT:Droars~! DHP just pangseh me!!! feeling kinda bu shuangla! cause i asked him quite sometime ago de lor!! then now,he pangseh me for his clique! HATE HIM!!!! MIXED FEELNGS!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
6:42 PM
hmmm.. woke up and went down buy breakfast=) after that, chiong bio all the way till 12plus and idozed off. Zzz.. slept all the way till 2 and startedchionging again. lols. okay, left with 1 last set ofBio paper 2 and i can move on to SS!hmm.. need arrange a time and ask Ivan come tuition le.lols. ahh.. another boring day la! Zzz.. Dodo's off for chaletso no one to chat with me. lols. hmmm.. swimming with gortomorrow morning:D like, finally can go swimming le. xDahh.. DHP shocked me with his sms! suddenly texted me. lols.hmmm.. will be meet up with DHP soon... he say he'll bring mego crack my PSP:D hopefully can get it done by friday...hopefully my psp can crack! then can download games andplay. wahaha~! xDhmmm.. should i go sis's house and stay??? lols. or should juststay at home? lols. roars! why are holidays so boring???!!!movie anyone?? ECP anyone?? xDi hope you're feeling better le.. are you still smiling like the way you always do?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
6:56 PM
hmm.. today is slightly better than yesterday? lols.woke up bright and early 9am. heehees. sis was alreadypreparing to go to school the moment i woke up. hmmm..so i chiong Maths homework till around 1 and went jpmeet up with sis. lols.had lunch at Mac and bumped into Zixin. lols..after lunch, went popular=) buy this buy that. hahas!!after that, went Artbox=) wahaha! i got myself a newdiary!! :D i almost made my sis go gaga on the way home.hahas!! i kept saying this to her, "smart ppl are call Shimin,dumb ppl are call Shilei." hahas!!! xD abit more and my siswill go gaga!! heehees.. hmmm.. left 1 set of maths ws and i'll be moving on to Bio!=)will be having a packed weekend=) guitar lesson at auntie'shouse at around 5. maybe will go swimming in the morning=)sunday going Valhall!! cause Beatrice is going! finally get tomeet up with her! was on the phone with her yesterday night and we're both very excited!!! xD what can i do tomorrow???!!!CHIONG HOMEWORK!! SHIMIN CHIONG ARH!! lols.hey, you're not making things hard for me. you don't have to change. just stay the way you are=) please always stay the cheerful and high you.. well, let's just take it as nothing ever happen, okay? we will be the best of the best friend forever,yea? keep smiling hors! cause i really will always be there for you=)
Monday, June 8, 2009
6:34 PM
ahh.. holidays are boring la! tsk tsk..stayed at home whole day and i'm like rotting!!tsk tsk. i wana go catch a movie! lols.nothing much to blog leh. Zzz..hmmm.. valhall this sunday!! anyone interested?lols. juniors all like don't wana go lor. Zzz..roars~! BORING DAY!i'm looking for ppl who wana go play floorball!! lols.anyone? anyone? anyone?? lol..movie, anyone? xD
Sunday, June 7, 2009
6:13 PM
another sleeping day for me! lols. slept at 11plusyesterday night and woke up 10plus. heehees..i had been slacking throughout the whole day!! xDwatch tv show till 12plus, took a nap till 3, watch tvshow again till 5. went down buy dinner with mumand here i am blogging. lols. hahas! i'm a slacker! xDhmm.. but starting tomorrow,i won't be slacking le!! lols.will start on my holiday homework=) i'm guai leh.. hahas!hmm.. nothing much to blog about though. Zzz.. SIAN ARH!lols. hmmm. but while, at least i've got someone to chat with me.i think letting go is the best i can do for him now. i just have a feeling that i'm making life and things difficult for him. this isn't what i want.. had been thinking real hard and i finally manage to grasp my feelings and thoughts.. because i don't wana make life and things difficult for him, so i'm letting him go... if only the feeling just come and goes away. but, the feeling came and stayed and it had never changed ever since i told you how i feel... i thought after OBS, i can forget you.. but i can't.. instead, i miss you even more. i had always wanted to tell you how i really feel.. but i don't get a chance to and never will i get the chance to.. it's not a dream.. cause if it is a dream, it won't hurt so much.. but i'll still be there for you whenever you need me=)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
7:22 PM
godly~! i slept for like 13hours! i woke up at 1plus today!one word to say, SHIOK! hahas!! food marathon sia.so many things to eat!! Carrot Cake, Durian, Fruit cake,muffin, mangosteen(dont know how to spell), still got one morestuff but i don't know what's that. lols..spent the whole day slacking. xD i had do up a list of workto be done during the holidays:D hardworking eh? xD wahaha~!starting my A.guitar lesson next week!!:D wahaha~! lending guitar bag from my auntie=) hmmm.. will be getting a A.guitar soon!wahaha~! hopefuly can get a purple one.. or should i just get a normal looking one?? SUGGESTIONS PLEASE~!! hmmm.. well, a bit random, but, i learnt alot from OBS.but i can't put them into words. but, i will become a betterleader! i can and i will=D lols. hmm.. okay, i'm off to eat mychocolate cheese muffin!!! :Dstill unable to grasp my feelings and thought. it's really not easy.
Friday, June 5, 2009
8:27 PM
I'M BACK!!!! it's really great to be home~!hmmm.. start on the first day!01.06.09hmmm.. walked into the camp not knowing everyone, the feeling was weird but at the sametime, excited! xD ferry or whatever you call thatto Camp 2! abit disappointed! cause we're not sleepingin dorms! we're sleeping in tent. first day is always themost slacking day. hmmm.. didn't have enough longpants so lend from Cherubim=)02.06.09SECOND DAY! kayaking! hmmm.. it's a tri-yak,so, not that tiring=) lols. let's make it short and sweet...super duper tired. cause we woke up like 5. Zzz..i'm a super pig leh!! need to sleep alot de!! lols.so my energy level is getting lower and lower. lols.packing of bag for tracking! tsk tsk. the bag is seriouslysuper heavy! Zzz... COOK is starting to look more likea family! hmmm.. special thanks to DAVE CHUA la! xDthanks for being my 'lift'. he had been my support!!when tracking to camp 1, i had been holding onto him la.during the night, he had been there, helping me to get myway to our tent cause it was super dark and i can't see anything!yea, night blindness. Zzzz.. but well, THANK A BILLION!:D03.06.09THIRD DAY! TRACKING!!! we have to carry that super duperHEAVY and HUGE bag pack and tracking around to look for 'treasure'. trust me, i almost die. my back was hurting like hell!old injury!! T_T but thanks to the guys who push me from the backso that i can move faster=) thanks guys! hmmm.. had rafting beforeheading to our campsite.. Zzz.. that's when my da yi ma came topay me a visit! T_T super duper xin ku! but, i love the don't knowwhat jump! cause the water is super duper clean! Zzz. didn't get to bath on the third day! and i was feeling superduper home sick!! T_T but i'm glad i have Dave, Syafiq(HY de) andSoon Keat there supporting me cheering me up. thanks alot!=Dhahas. took Dave's towel as my pillow. xD 04.06.09FOURTH DAY! was raining was we woke up. Zzz.started packing up and getting ready for kayakingback to camp 2! pair up with Andy and Kennth! wahaha!Andy got 2 star leh! no joke. i was slacking lor. causewhen they speed boat, i can't do anything. lols.but after a few ours, Kenneth started to seasick!gosh~! so he rest while me and Andy do the job. i feel so badla! Andy had been working super hard lor. but when i solo,the kayak doesn't seems to be moving. but that's what theysay la, i believe it's still moving! xD hmmm. after awhile,Kennth finally vomit out. then we all started working again=)okay, CUT CUT CUT!i'm super glad to be back in Camp 2! i had a hard time bathing,and i took a super long time!! lols. after that, was preparation for Celebration Dinner=) it was a success! didn't eat.. wasnot hungry and thinking about stuff. tsk tsk...Day 4 is the day when ppl start to show their true-self...slept all the way till morning.. i 'sayang' Syafiq to sleep!super funny lor. he suddenly call me to go over his tentand he was lke super sad. then i sayang him. hahas!he say i like sayang-ing a dog. hahas. no la, more like sayang-ing baby. xD05.06.09LAST DAY! syafiq say wake up at 5 and go slack slack.in the end, we all woke up at 5.40. everyone's too tiredto wake up. lols!! xD oh ya, i love the "Tiger Game''! xDafter that, preparation to clean up. gosh. i kinda hate thatperiod! mod swing la. things were going super duperhaywire! had a hard time. shall not say more.. lols.okay, i didn't go the Jetty jump cause i really cannottake it. my back is serious killing me! i don't like being force! so when HE said those words,i really felt hurt and that's the reason why i cried.i'm NOT being SELFISH! i never thought of not wantingto let you all do the jetty jump, but can;t he spare a thoughtfor me? DAMN HIM! forget it.. whatever it is, today, COOKsucks. lost of concentration, ppl started not working as a team.tsk tsk. forget it!!! a guy actually brought a parang with him sia and got himselfin a situation. super duper funny. lols. hmmm.. mr lee bookeda bus for us! wahaha! BOUGHT THE OBS SHIRT! :Dafter reaching school, me, syafiq, dave,kenneth,ji sen,siti andraymond went to eat and headed home with kenneth and ji sencause we're taking the same bus=)chiong to bath then moment i reached home and started unpacking.lols. hahas. back rashes are seriously killing me!! roars! lols.okay, it's really great to be back home=)had been going the NCC cheer. hahas!! xDwell, seriously, no point acting that you like me. come on la, sowhat if you're in ELDDS? it's obvious you're just acting nicelor. i dont need you to put on a act, cause from the start, youalready left a super bad impression. and i finallyunderstand why so many ppl don't like her. lols.well, i guess, i shall end here=)HOME SWEET HOME~! i can't grasp my feelings and thoughts.. and, i'm really feeling very lost. i don't know what i can do so that it's the best for him. i have so many things to let him know, but, i can't say a single word...