Friday, January 30, 2009
8:21 PM
finally, it's friday... it's been 8days since ah gong's gone. tsk tsk, finally! i'm concentrating more and more during lesson time. i've got Assessment books yesterday so yupp! i'm determined to study hard hard hard! jiayou shimin! lols.
got a new shoes bag and i love it!:) yesterday was not a good day for me. ever since that day, i'm feeling moody. Zzz.. somehow, i regret asking......
training today. zzz.. wasn't so tough. but, sian.. i asked myself, why am i stuck to this CCA?? cause i have no interest in other CCAs and i'm already in Sec 3. zz.. not looking forward to trainings cause it's seriously very sian. i still prefer 1st batch's coaches. Zzz..
yea, i'm still feeling as down as ever. i thought i would be fine after a good sleep. but, no.. i'm still as moody as ever... yet, i didn't dare to tell you that your answer seriously affected me..
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
8:54 PM
back in school.. noticed that i'm sort of lagging way behind? i don't know. i'm like.. lost?? tsk tsk. having hard time concentrating during lesson time. Zzz. and i seriously don't know why.. hmm. maybe because i hadn't been getting enough sleep? i guess so.. imagine, sun- slept at 1am and woke up 7am and i woke up a few times!! mon- woke up.. i forgot... tue- woke up 6am and slept at 11pm and i woke up 6am today! imagine.... tsk tsk...
chem test and A maths test next monday.. i'm so going to mug on saturday! tsk tsk! Baby came over and fetch me from school. went hawker and eat cause he's super hungry and took 99 back to 900+...
slacked at staircase till 6+ and home-d... that was my first time asking that question and it will also be my last time. tsk tsk.
27.01.09 woke up super early and headed down to boon lay. took the bus to mandai to collect ah gong's ashes. did all the stuff and headed back to boon lay. bus-ed back home after that. reached home 1+, bath, slack and went out to meet Baby..
meet him at Tiong bahru. went to catch the movie, The Wedding game. hmm.. nice movie:) bus-ed to Bugis junction after that and bus-ed back to Jurong East. train-ed back to boon lay and baby sent me home. thanks baby.
so many things left unsaid... i feel like giving up...
Monday, January 26, 2009
12:51 PM
eveything's over. back at home rotting? not really. relatives are coming over to play. hahas. father's side only. tsk tsk. 3years not being able to guo xin nian.. that's long.. i'll be 18 by then. yea, no choice. so much, i misses the presence of ah gong though he doesn't stay with me. but i remember all those stuff that i used to do with ah gong. tsk tsk. memories never leave..
overnight at wake on sat. had a hard time sleeping. tsk tsk. and i reached home 3+PM yesterday with panda eyes. hahas. sis and mum slept like pig while me and dad didn't sleep a wink. we're pros!XD lols. hmm. nothing much. i miss you, baby...
Friday, January 23, 2009
11:19 PM
when you spent a Thursday like a normal day. you report to school, you went out to chill out with your friends after school and just one single phone call changed your life totally.
headed straight down to ah ma house after receiving a phone call from Dad saying something's wrong with ah gong. yes, we all rushed down immediately. i thought it's just ah gong's not feeling well, but, no.. ah gong's no longer breathing when i reach there. he doesn't respond to us, he doesn't breath...
he's gone... he was only back from Hospital on Tuesday and 2 days after he discharged, he's gone forever. i never thought i'll lose him for he had always been quite good despite having a stroke for the past 3 years. he can still kick, pull and sit up on his own..
memories of ah gong fleshed back into my head when dad was driving uncle's car home. and i heard dad saying that he's the one who caused Ah gong's death. my heart sank. and i don't know why he's pushing the blame to himself.
A normal Thursday ended the way no one predicted.
didn't went school today. woke up super early. 7.30. headed down to ah gong's wake at around 9+. went off to school to take my homework fro Cheng Chua at around 12.20. security guard let me in despite me wearing slippers. he thought i pon school, i said no, my grandfather passed away. i rushed to the hall to get my homework and rushed to JP get my new bag changed and back to ah gong's wake.
stayed there till 4 before i went back home to bath and help mum, dad to get some stuff. they're staying overnight at the wake. lost my house keys! it was in the spoil new zinc bag. lucky MX and guys were at JP. they helped me get back my keys. thanks lot.
rushed back to wake again and stayed till 10+ and er yi sent me and sis home. thanks. need to go back wake tomorrow and sunday. sunday's the last day and i'll never get to see him. i regretted not paying him a visit every once a week. in my whole of 15years, yesterday was my FIRST time i witnessed my ah ma crying so... so.. i can't think of a word to describe it. ah ma was totally heartbroken. ah ma and ah gong had always been loving couples. in my whole of 145years, today was the first time i told ah gong, iloveyou,ahgong.
despite all this, i really have to thank Baby! he didn't leave me all alone. he had always been there for me. though he asked if i need time alone, but very soon, he'll text me again. dear, do you know how glad i am when i received your sms? thanks for being there for me when i needed someone there for me. thanks for always being present when i needed you the most. you're the first guy who had always been there for me. you're never un-contactable and because i have you by my side, i'm able to stay strong. baby, i love you more than anyone, anything. though i thought you'll be gone after that day, but still, my love for you ever since that day had only been increasing. i'm loving you with my whole heart, my dear. i'm willingly to wait for you no matter how long it takes. but please, stay by my side till the very end and tell me you love me.. iloveyou,mydear. i'm having more and more confidence in us. i really trust you like i never did. so please, don't leave me.
i've learnt to cherish and treasure the ones i love even more now. i'll let them know how much i love them before everything's too late. even if i'm the one getting hurt in the end, i don't mind at all.
i told mum this morning, " can we cancel the thought of moving out for awhile??" all i know was that, dad really need us by his side and i can't choose to leave him all alone now. maybe he don't love me, but i still love him. cause no matter what, he's still my father.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
8:17 PM
didn't went school. i didn't pon! i'm sick! lols. got woken up by Baby's sms. lols. woke up, wash up, bath and headed down to kan yi sheng. lalala~! same old thing, waited super long la! tsk tsk. after that, went to get bread as breakfast, take medicine and hurried down to meet Baby! sorry to made you wait!
went JP to get my NY's bag:) got a handbag at only 8dollars leh. cheap cheap nia. my sis's bought a shoulder bag at 42! she's mad! after that, headed back home.
basically, we slacked all the way till 6 and baby went home. oh ya, Cheng Chua brought my PE attire back from school and told me the homework! thanks lot! heehees. he live super near me, no joke. lols.
baby, though i'm really scare, but i choose to trust you with my whole heart, so please don't lie to me.. iloveyou,ireallydo..<3 6moredays.. imissyou!
Monday, January 19, 2009
7:50 PM
firstly, i don't know what to say. what else except for school, school and school from Mondays to Fridays? tsk tsk.
-didn't went for house practise, i am sick! -i think i won't pass my Emaths test. *faint* -tuition tomorrow and i seriously hope i can survive through. -i'm coughing! please let me recover be sat! -i wana go SENTOSA! -lastly, i seriously miss him. somehow, i wish he's right beside me now, yes! RIGHT NOW!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
6:41 PM
same old boring Sunday. i hate sundays when i've got nothing better to do.. went JP meet up with mu and sis. shop for dress lor.
back at home at 1+ and started doing homework from 2 to 5 and i'm still not done! roars~! went down for dinner with mum and da yi.
baby's super busy the whole day with his friends. yupp, we hardly chat..
i'm just wondering,aren't he sick and tired of asking for patch over and over again? 为什么那么想和我在一起的人是他而不是你?我真的不明白。。
Saturday, January 17, 2009
10:14 PM
SHIMIN.L is 15!:)
woke up at 9am sharp! baby was already at Tanjong Pagar when i just woke up. lols.. took a long time bathing and this was what baby said. "这么慢?!你家停水啊?!“ lols.i took 15 mins to bath. lols.. prepare and prepare. baby reach at 9.50. and i hurried down with the cake and stuff:) i saved some cake from yesterday's party! see i very nice right?? XD
we bus-ed to JP, found a place and sit down and baby ate the cake. after that, train-ed to Bugis:) took neoprints! damn funny la! i'm too nie to tell baby he don't need to dance his Chicken Dance. XD gor can't go out so me and baby went to catch the movie ourselves lor.. went arcade first before heading to Tiong Bahru. went to get movie tickets for the show The Haunting Of Molly Hartley before heading to Kopitiam for lunch? lols. slacked at arcade and went in for the movie! we bought popcorns and stuff in. hahas. still got the free cow calendar leh! XD
baby wasn't even scare! and i was like, O.o! scare till the hell of my life??? ZZZ. conclusion! i'm just scaring myself. lols. didn't catch the conclusion of the show too. *blur* hahas! after movie, went to Baby's house. hahas. whole family at home sia! felt so werid. then his mummy ask us to eat lor. lols. she wished me Happy Birthday too!:) hahas! still ask me share the slice of cake with baby. XD
after that, baby was playing PS3 and i was watching. lols. entertained myself by tickling baby when he was playing, heehees! *evil laughters* baby almost forgot to pass me my birthday present! forgetful dear! hahas. and baby sent me all the way to Boon lay. lalala~! got another cake at home. lols. cause. tomorrow's Sis's birthday, 20th is dad's birthday:) lols.
Shiqi, Mingxuan, Jeslynn, Peihan & Shinan came over my house for the mini party! lalala! i had fun and i really enjoyed myself! thanks alot!
thanks for everything, dear!!!:) i had a great day with you! no words can describe how glad and happy i'm now! thanks for your present and your sweet sweet letter! nice handwriting! XD i'm seriously touched by you!! you're just so sweet!! there's just so much i wana tell you, but trust me, you'll get to know every single thing as time passes! i had always been waiting & trust me, i'll keep on waiting... :D 大傻瓜!刚才没机会跟你说, 我也爱你!XD 10moredays!
  i know it's random, but, my mum's really chio!                   OVERDUE PHOTOS!   
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
8:06 PM
school as usual.. zzz. nothing much.. i wana keep my post short and sweet:)
baby came and fetch me after school, pei me went home and change before heading to JP. went to order cake and went walking around JP. lols. walk walk walk and baby sent me home:)
3moredays! weeS~!
Monday, January 12, 2009
7:55 PM
It's Monday! 5moredays! wahaha!XD First 2 periods was History. to make it short and sweet, I SORT OF REGRET TAKING HISTORY! T.T because i'm struggling with HISTORY HOMEWORK NOW! sis promised she'll help me, yet, expected. no words to describe her la.
a long day for me and i don't know why. i seems restless for the whole day. tsk tsk. i'm going MAD!!!
Sis got 10 for her O lvls and my ass dad kept saying he want me to get 8. crazy! YES! i'll go crazy soon. tsk tsk!
Everything's fine between us once again(: i love the sound of the tickling clock. cause every single second brings me closer and closer to you. imissyou,baby!<3 pull me back if we drift apart & i'll walk towards you,mylove.. baby!<3
Sunday, January 11, 2009
7:26 PM
woke up at 8.. as usual, bath and went for guitar lesson. was late for lesson cause Mum bought breakfast for me. master the intro part of Right Here Waiting and i'm doing my best to master the Verse and Chorus part...
meet Baby at JE station after lesson. pei him go eat and we took 52 to Bishan. yes, i love bus trips! cause it's free! got bus concession ma and at the same time,can spend more time with Baby..
walked around Junction 8 lor. went to play House Of Dead and settled down at Mac for lunch. after lunch, bus-ed to Far East Plaze. browsed through Far East and went to meet up with Gor & Jason. went to 'find' ZL and home-d..
went down for dinner with parents and sister.
YES! it was suppose to be the most wonderful day of the week for me. yet, everything was ruined! Guy 'A' called me and asked for patch. i rejected. i was totally freaking out! yet, i pretended everything's fine with Mummy around..
the first person that came to my mind was Baby and no one else. i told Baby what happened. yet it seems like, he don't care about it. and he replied,"wad i don't know O.o i also can't do anything ma."
i thought he will be there for me. i thought he will tell me how much he hates Guy 'A' and how he feels. yet, everything is just.. i thought... 7.58PM! Baby messaged me..
baby, it's not your fault. i should had stayed strong instead of freaking out. it's my fault... i shouldn't be asking anything from you. yet i still thought you'll be there and tell me how you feel... i'm sorry. baby,iloveyou!<3 6more days till we meet.
p/s:Baby is so kawaii! he said he had learnt a lesson. hahas!! baby, why are you so cute!!!????<3
10.01.09 i was suppose to rot at home the whole day till SQ messaged me in the afternoon asking me whether wana go ZY's dinner party anot. it's ZY's birthday:) watched Corner With Love till 4+. changed and went to JP buy present.
settle ZY's, SH's & SQ's presents at Artbox and costed me nearly 30bucks! lols. meet SQ and went to her house first. then i waited for her to bath and get ready and off we went to meet up with MX. hahas! dam funny la! i psycho SQ to go Far East on sunday. XD waited for ZY to reach home and we had Pizza! then after dinner, got one flying bug! all of us were freaking out! then ZH, ZY's sister, tried to catch it. hahas! we all kept laughing and screaming la! then the bug don't know flew where, we gave up looking for it.
cut cake ceremony! lols. after we switched on the lights, the bug came out again! ZY used a container and cover it! hahas! after that, went Party World and sing~! lalala~! cab-ed home, did something important and slept! XD
Friday, January 9, 2009
8:44 PM
Finally! it's Friday! weeS~! hahas. had our first PE lesson at ISH! Zzz.. very stuffy sia. wasn't feeling quite well after PE. tsk tsk. went to meet Mr.Lee during recess time. had only 10mins of eating time. lols.
went Chem lab during chem lesson. roars~! si TAN KIM HUI & TERENCE TAN~! Terence say i'm fat leh! lols. anyways, was joking around with Terence, kim hui, soon keat and Amos on the way to chem lab. lols. tried out something at the lab. Maths lesson was fine. Zzz... i haven't absorb today's lesson yet. XD but very soon, i'll absorb it. hahas.
CCA fair was okie. only have 12 people signing up! but a whole bunch of people playing around. tsk tsk. Fair ended at 5+ and home-d! TRAINING STARTS NEXT WEEK! weeS~! hmmm... a junior of mine shocked me with a 50dollar note! he gave me his money out of the sudden! xia dao wo sia!
i'm feeling tired once again. tsk tsk. what's wrong with me?? i'm forever tired. Zzz.. PS: soon keat fell asleep while sms-ing with me! hahas!
hoho~! 2moredays,baby!:D Yes! iloveyou!<3
Thursday, January 8, 2009
8:48 PM
a long day in school! tsk tsk.. Bio teacher, Ms Sally E, a very good teacher and i love her! lols. i think bio lesson will become hell when Co-form teacher take over after Ms E go for her maternity leave. Zzzz..
discussed about EL project during EL lesson.. i love my group members! Jasmin.L, Millie, Jiaen, Adela, Hamka, Soon Keat and Xun bin! hahas. nice people to work with:) hoho! got new PE shirt le! cost a bomb man! 1 for 10dollars! old de only cost 5dollars lor. Zzz.. lucky i bought size S.. cause S is already abit long, if get M, i doubt i'll wear it. lols.
hmmm.. free period for CME. only 4 ppl brought CME file and i'm one of them! heehees.. guai rite? XD HCL lesson even more free.. do the paper cutting lor. after cutting out 3 that earned me 1.5 CIP hours, i swept the floor! full of papers.. lols. hoho!
SS was.. unexpected! teacher is quite funny. lols. this was what she said. "i heard that 3e5 is very good in their language so i don't expect horrible grammer in my work." and we were like, "HUH?! WHO SAID SO?!" "i heard that 3e5 is very independent and need not be spoon fed and is a very quiet class." and we laugh out loud. hahas. but it's true that 3e5 is a quiet class.. or is it... we're still not bonded yet? lols..
& Ms Phang said, we're known as the ANGLE CLASS!! wahahaha!! seriously, we like out heads off man! hahas! ANGEL CLASS sia.. XD HCL lesson was suppose to be from 2 to 3. but teacher dismissed us early. same thing, did the paper cut and i helped to sweep the floor & he gave me 0.5 CIP hour for that! cool man! lols. in total, i earned myself 4 CIP hours:)
did some homework with Jasmin.L at canteen and headed home at around 4.15. Baby messaged me at aroudn that time. lols. didn't told him i will be staying back in school after HCL lesson. =x hahas! reach home around 5. hmmm... hmmm..
helping out for tomorrow's CCA open house:) got Wenbin, Alvin & Sei Hao to help out too. well, i only have their numbers. Zzz.. this year, i'll make sure Floorball is better that year 2008! i will make floorball even better! not like last year.. Zzzz... i'll make sure attendance is being taken for every training. everyone is in the right attire and seriously training & playing:)yes yes, i'm commited to my CCA! weeS~! first time sia. lols. last year i also didn't really care. XD
i'm feeling so tired.... 9moredays:D
baby! wo you ting hua leh!! i never sleep during lessons:) third day never kan dao ni le.T.T nevermind.. we'll meet up this Sunday, right? wahahaha!! 3moredays! must work hard hard arhs!! iloveyou!<3
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
8:17 PM
First day of lesson! lols. not bad though.. just now, really not use to the silence in class. lols. seriously, it's really very very very quiet. hahas! but actually also good.. like this can concentrate during lesson time:)
had maths lesson only. lols. HCL lesson, ting lao shi talk talk talk.. lols. Chem lesson went Chem lab. hahas! Terence broke something! his face expression super funny sia! lols. hahas! meet SQ at backgate after school and bus-ed home lor.
watched Corner with Love till 4+ and went for guitar lesson at JE. Zzz. super duper tired sia. wahaha! i mastered the song Donna Donna and i passed! lols. now learning Right Here Waiting for you. not easy sia. Zz. but i will master it de! cause i love this song!! and baby wana me play this song for him. lols! Baby, must pay 5dollars!! XD
took 99 home after lesson.. Zzz. it took me an hour to reach home! tsk tsk. went to buy candy floss. heehees.. i finished everything! XD feeling so tired. asshole father didn't help out with the housework and i did everything by myself! mum's not home yet and lazy sis went out to party! she didn't even bother to keep clothes before going out lor! roars~! hai wo xian zai ji tired yi xia... Zzzz
will be getting the NEW PE attire soon.. yea, real soon. XD
baby! 2days never kan dao ni le... hen bu xi guan leh!! lols.. hope work was fine for you today.. got tou lan anot?? XD i very guai hors, i never sleep during lesson and i got work hard hard leh!! where's my reward??? heehees. monday getting O lvl result le.. very nervous right?? i teach you how to cool down, okie? you faster go take MRT to boon lay, then 242 and alight at the 10th stop. give me a call when you reach the bus stop, and i will rush down. i will give you a hug and say, "OKIE! you can go home le:)" you will be so angry that you'll forget about being nervous! hahas!!! XD no la, i will give you a hug and say, "don't worry so much.. chill~! no matter what, i'll be there for you. even if tian ta xia lai, wo hai shi hui zai ni shen bian de. and, must be confident ma. result confirm very good de. ":D lastly, i would let you know how much i love you & you'll be so touched that you won't nervous le! see, wo li hai ba? XD yes yes! i miss you! i love you! <3
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
4:32 PM
currently blogging at Ming Xuan's house:) lols.It's the third day of school without lesson. hahas.. had beenattending workshop and chatting with Baby through sms. hahas.played the board game till 12plus. lols. Ms Phang came in at 1230and changed sitting arrangement. Zzz.. new sitting partner, Milllie. lols.i'm fine with my parnter.. just that not use to sitting at the corner row.bu xi guan lor. Zzz.. after school, waited for 98 for quite long. then went buy sth light to eat lor.then took 98 to xuan's house. lols. nothing much. i'm so going to get a laptop~!i'm currently using xuan's laptop to blog leh! lols. hahas.baby's off to play bball with gor and jason. lols. hahas.. should be going home soon..watching Ponyo on the cliff by the sea.. Ponyo so kawaii! lols.tomorrow will be the first day of school attending lessons. lols. hope i won't fall asleep.XDBACK AT HOME!:) Baby starting work again tomorrow le.. this means we will have lesser time for each other le. you need to work and i need to study.. tsk tsk. hopefully can meet up on weekends!:D must zhuan xin zou gong arhs.. cannot tou lan. lols. i will study hard hard de.. will try my very best not to fall asleep during lessons. XD thanks for answering so much of my questions & telling me so many things about you & her. heehees.. thanks alot baby! meet up soon!!! imissyou! & iloveyou,baby!<3
Monday, January 5, 2009
6:41 PM
Second day of school and still no lesson! lols. normal timetable starts on Wednesday. that's like 2moredays!!! gosh~! like preparing for war sia. lols. once it start, it'll never end. it's either i die or my books die. XD
got the don't know what workshop. fun! play board game!! heehees!! Baby & gor came! baby bought honey green tea for me. weeS~! thanks baby! they pei me go woodlands kan yi sheng.. lols. took 187 there.. Zzz.. super duper warm sia. the bus machiam like no air cons lor.. Zzz..
wa.. the don't know that the doctor put hors, super duper pain! T.T zhen de hen tong lor. suay la. he also say if 2weeks later, haven't recover, need to go back again. gosh~! the medical fee damn ex! 50bucks leh!! gosh~! after that, went Pasa Palam! lols. then when to get sushi. lalala~! sat down near mrt station and eat lor. home-d after that. don't know when then will get to meet up with baby again. need to xi guan days and days without baby..
baby, i'm sorry. i guess, i'm too sensitive le. thanks for not being mad at me. iloveyou!<3
looking back, i noticed i had changed alot and quite a few times. i changed the most after my last broke up with Ace. i totally changed and i almost don't believe it's me. i shut everyone out of my life, i slowly become rebelious & vugularities was frequently being used by me. during that period of time, i was aware that i'm not myself yet all i knew was, that's the only way to hide everything, the only way to let others think that i'm not being affected by the broke up.as time passes, i slowly understand that what's gone, it's gone forever. and i started learning to let go of him.. after i started working, i started to change again.. changed for the better, and even better than before(: no longer using vugularities except for Ma De. lols. i'm not very sure what caused the change in me, all i know is that i'm back to who i really am! i'm as crazy as i used to be. ehs. nope! i'm even more crazier now!! whatever it is, i'm glad i'm who i am(: lastly, i have great friends like Wilson Wu, Huang ShiQi and a few more and not forgetting, my lovely baby, Seak Dai heng!<3
Sunday, January 4, 2009
7:18 PM
It's a Sunday! lols.. woke up 8.. super early sia. tsk tsk.. bath and went for guitar lesson. wahaha!! i wasn't late today! infact, i was the FIRST to reach and i was early by.. 2MINS!! XD the song Donna Donna is really killing me.. i manged to master the Chords but not the Melody! & i'm having lesson on Wed at 5!! cause Mr.L still owe me 1 lesson.. i will master the Melody!!! lols.. after lesson, train-ed to Tampines meet baby!
O.o! baby live so far still reached later than me. lols. went to eat first then pei him go for haircut. hahas. baby look so kawaii in his new hairstyle!! can kan dao his mickey mouse ears! XD after that, wne this house lor. dirty fellow, only wash his hair jiu sit down play his PS3 le.. lols..
hahas.. i 'shoot' baby sia!! this was how it goes.. Baby: 我很humble de, 不会hao lian.. (something like this, can't really rmb) Me:我有没有听错?? Baby:你耳朵有问题啦! Me:是你的嘴巴有问题la。。。
hahahahaha!!! we went laugh away. sorry baby.. first and last time i will shoot you.. =x! baby finally went to take a bath.. lols.. after that, we watched ghost show!!! tsk tsk.. baby keepscaring me.. lols. in the end, baby zi ji dou you yi dian dian pa lor. lols. the storyline super duper confusing sia. then i jiu not scare le. too confusing le.. don't know what they playing. lols. baby played PS3 awhile and we went down meet Gor. went eastpoint had dinner..
yea, last day of fast food!! lols. after that, gor and baby pei me take MRT all the way to Boon lay then they went eastpoint mall to get their stuff again(: thanks alot!!^^ was laughing like siao on the way back. LOL! baby & gor can't stand me sia.. XD but hors, xi guan jiu hao. lols.. school tomorrow. tsk tsk.. but baby's coming fetch me tomorrow! going woodlands see doctor lor. lols.
i have a lovely baby & he's just so kawaii!! baby, you're irreplaceable! iloveyou!<3
Saturday, January 3, 2009
6:14 PM
cousin's friend's blogshop! please take a look(:
woke up 9.30 and slacked all the way till 1+.. bath and practised my guitar for tomorrow.. Zzz.. watched tv till 5+, use com till 6+, headed down for dinner.. meet da jie they all there lor.
Zzz.. bill was 150bucks. i was the one who foot the bill. lols. well, but it's worth it:) basically, i rotted at home today. =x
baby, thanks for everything! & sorry for everything.. you understand what i'm talking about, don't you? baby, thanks for not leaving me and being there when i needed you the most.. i'm sorry for hurting you.. but i mean what i told you.. it will be the first and last time.. & i'll really do my very best to make sure you're the happiest guy ever! & baby, after this issue, you really make me felt loved.. boy, being able to be love by you, it's really a blessing.. i'n content with what i have now. & i'm not asking for more. baby,iloveyou!<3>
Friday, January 2, 2009
9:16 PM
First day of school!
did nothing much leh.. admin stuff only.. not use to seeing those guys wearing long pants.. like weird weird de. hahas.. nothing much on the first day of school. no lessons till next wednesday! shiok! lols.
Precious and gor came to fetch me and sq after school(: went JSCC mac for lunch and bus-ed to Westmall.. walked around westmall, slacked at library and home-d. Zzz....
nothing much.. tsk tsk.
Happy Birthday JasminLow! 15years old liao arhs! 15moredays and i'll turn 15 too!
we're sort of drifting apart.. running out of topic more and more often & this hurts... if this goes on, i know, i'm going to lose you.. and i said before, i can't lose you... i really can't..
Thursday, January 1, 2009
9:03 PM
get this right and clear for i'm going to say for the last time. don't come running to me and tell me you miss me and love me when something happened between you and your gf. hello! WAKE UP! you have a gf, and I AM SO-NOT YOUR TOY! don't happy happy jiu come to me. you think what, i am hotel arh? & for godness sake, don't tell me you want me back by your side.
because, i'm seriously tired of everything... the more the come to me when something is wrong btw you and her, the more i will lose confident in myself and everything. Aldrich, don't be the one who makes me lose confident in every single thing. Ace treated me as his toy. and now, it's your turn. i'm someone with feelings. i'm not dead yet....
& i notice, 我不是对precious没信心,一直以来,我都是在对自己没信心。。。
8:36 PM
Current Mood: TIRED! i'm mentally tired...
woke up 9+, wash up, slacked till 11+, bath and went out.. meet Darling 1 at JP lor.. went to get some stuff.. ended up getting a ring each. hahas. O.o! the person engraved wrongly! she engraved my name on darling's ring and darling's name on my ring~! waited super long and she kept apologising. bought a necklace.. wana wear my ring around my neck during school days.
after that, took shutter bus to IMM.. was raining cats and dogs!! i was totally wet!!! super duper cold sia, was shivering when i reach IMM. meet up with mummy they all and we went Ajisen for dinner(: walked around IMM and cab home..
school tomorrow! first day of school and i'm hoping things will go right. it's not that i don't feel anything about gor and precious coming over tomorrow. just that, no one knows.. there will always be last minute changes. just like the way he use to be. i've learnt a lesson... the lesson is: don't pin hopes on things that can be change...
31.12.08 LAST DAY OF YEAR 2008~!
woke up super early.. meet Gor & precious 9am at Eunos. went back workplace to get our pay. after that, went TM had Mac. walked around TM & CS before heading to precious's house. waited for him outside and went to meet Gor. Gor say take bus 31 can reach bugis.. in the end, we went all the way to Toa Payoh. then take 143 to JE. sit until pi gu lan! lols. meet up with Darling at IMM.. weeS~! i got my O.D.M watch le! lalala~! i love it! DSB not in service for cash deposit so went back home first then meet Darling at bus stop.
went Boon Lay for countdown! same old thing, spent alot on the game corner. spent more than 100dollars to get that big big monkey.. need 7600points ma.. hahas. play, eat, drink.. hahas.. home-d at 1+.. slept at 2+... Zzz.. bright new year ahead!
i'm bringing wonderful memories with me along towards year 2009 and leaving those unwanted people & memories in year 2008...
i'm leaving Ace in year 2008.. he's history, someone who will never appear again just like year 2008 will never appear again.